21 Days to Master Extreme Self-Care

Authors: Richardson, Cheryl
Publisher: Hay House
BISAC/Subject: SEL021000, OCC019000, SEL023000
ISBN: 9781848509368, Related ISBNs: 1848509367, 9781848509368
Classification: Non-Fiction
Number of pages: 99,
Audience: General/trade
Synopsis: Studies have shown it takes only 21 days for a new habit to take root. If there's a spiritual interest you've always wanted to take advantage of, the answer is only 21 days away with the 21 Days to Mastery Series.

In the rush of everyday life we can often lose sight of our own well-being and inner comfort, to the point where we lose sight of how to bring deep pleasure into every day. In this short, easy-to-read guide, world-renowned life coach Cheryl Richardson shows you how to nurture life's most important relationship: with yourself!

As each chapter challenges you to alter one behaviour or circumstance that holds you back, you'll learn how to understand the true impact of your surroundings, accept disappointments in all areas when they arise, find your natural rhythm and ride life's waves, and discover your passions and strengths to get the best out of your life.
With sound advice, effective exercises and resources to take each step further, this practical handbook for the heart and mind will show you that by changing your mindset, you can radically change your life in just 21 days.
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