A Hundred Words for Hate

Authors: Sniegoski, Thomas E.
Publisher: Penguin Publishing Group
BISAC/Subject: FIC009060, FIC009050, FIC031070
ISBN: 9781101478677, Related ISBNs: 0451463773, 0451464125, 1101478675, 9780451463777, 9780451464125
Classification: Fiction
Number of pages: 304,
Audience: General/trade
Synopsis: Once he was known as the angel Remiel, but generations ago Boston PI Remy Chandler chose to renounce Heaven and live on Earth, where he found a secure place among us ordinary humans…

As an Angel, Remy Chandler possesses powers and skills he puts to good use in his chosen profession—but only if the situation calls for it. And the sudden reappearance of the Garden of Eden is definitely one such situation, since the seemingly benevolent Sons of Adam want him to find the Key to the Gates of Eden. But there are those who want the Gates to stay shut, for there is something terrible and dangerous buried in the Garden…

Caught between two warring factions of immortals, Remy must decide how to proceed: find the Key, or not?  Desperate for help, he turns to a very old acquaintance—a fallen angel who is sometimes friend, sometimes foe, and always deadly.
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