A Kitchen in the Corner of the House

Authors: AMBAI
Publisher: Steerforth Press
BISAC/Subject: FIC105020, FIC044000, FIC019000, FIC029000
ISBN: 9781939810458, Related ISBNs: 1939810442, 1939810450, 9781939810441, 9781939810458
Classification: Non-Fiction
Number of pages: 376,
Audience: General/trade
Synopsis: A Kitchen in the Corner of the House collects twenty-five gem-like stories on motherhood, sexuality, and the body from the innovative and perceptive Tamil writer Ambai.

In A Kitchen in the Corner of the House, Ambai's narrators are daring and courageous, stretching and reinventing their homes, marriages, and worlds. With each story, her expansive voice confronts the construction of gender in Tamil literature. Piecing together letters, journal entries, and notes, Ambai weaves themes of both self-liberation and confinement into her writing. Her transfixing stories often meditate on motherhood, sexuality, and the liberating, and at times inhibiting, contours of the body.
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