A Lady of Scandal

Authors: Byrd, Nicole
Publisher: Penguin Publishing Group
BISAC/Subject: FIC027050
ISBN: 9781440625596, Related ISBNs: 0425214257, 144062559X, 9780425214251, 9781440625596
Classification: Fiction
Number of pages: 336,
Audience: General/trade
Synopsis: Miss Ophelia Applegate knows that ladies rarely become actresses without incurring social ruin—but surely there are exceptions?  Determined to tread the boards, she runs away from home, reluctantly accompanied by her more sensible twin, Cordelia.  Their introduction to London’s seamier side is abrupt: after Ophelia is denied an audition at the Malory Road Theatre, they spot a man trying to force his way into the upper story…just before they’re beset by ruffians.
Fortunately, a handsome stranger comes to their aid—none other than the would-be thief himself. Ransom Sheffield appears to be a gentleman, and claims he was only trying to retrieve an item that belongs to his family from the theater’s rapacious manager.  He has a proposal: if they help him gain access to the theater, he will help Ophelia realize her ambitions.  But there is a cynical gleam to his eye and a rakish grace to his manner that Cordelia mistrusts, even as she warms to his slightest touch.
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