A Land of Sheltered Promise

Authors: Kirkpatrick, Jane
Publisher: The Crown Publishing Group
BISAC/Subject: FIC014000, FIC042000, FIC042030
ISBN: 9780307551375, Related ISBNs: 0307551377, 1578567335, 9780307551375, 9781578567331
Classification: Non-Fiction
Number of pages: 432,
Audience: General/trade
Synopsis: Follow three women from three eras in the Pacific Northwest as they discover a place where miracles really happen—based on true stories.

Plagued by loneliness on the Big Muddy Ranch, a sheepherder’s wife awaits the outcome of her husband’s trial for murder. He is sentenced to life in prison—and she to life without him. But a startling event could redeem their pasts and transform their future.

1984: Against a backdrop of attempted murder, federal indictments, and the first case of bio-terrorism in the U.S., one woman seeks to rescue her granddaughter from within the elaborate compound of a cult that has claimed the land.

1997: On the much-reviled, abandoned cult site, one woman’s skepticism turns to hope when she finds that what was meant to destroy can be used to rebuild—and in the process realizes a long-held dream.

For three women seekers united across time, a remote and rugged stretch of land in the Pacific Northwest proves to be a place where miracles really happen—and the gifts of faith, hope, and charity are as tangible as rocks, rivers, and earth.
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