A Life in the Making

Authors: Felder, Franz Michael
Publisher: Steerforth Press
BISAC/Subject: BIO026000, BIO007000, BIO032000
ISBN: 9781782276869, Related ISBNs: 1782276858, 1782276866, 9781782276852, 9781782276869
Classification: Non-Fiction
Number of pages: 320,
Audience: General/trade
Synopsis: The inspiring, meditative classic autobiography of a pioneering nineteenth-century autodidact and writer, in English for the first time

Over the 29 years of his short life, Franz Michael Felder worked with furious productivity to better himself and the lives of those around him. From his humble origins in the Austrian village of Schoppernau, he went on to found workers' cooperatives, a political party and even a public library in his own home, as well as writing many literary works.

A Life in the Making is both the culmination of this extraordinary career and a chronicle of its development. It is a story of early hardship and fortitude, of Felder's relentless zeal for learning and his lifelong effort to reconcile his own expanding horizons with the enforced confines of the community he was born to. Unfolding in prose of limpid beauty, A Life in the Making becomes a deeply moving tribute to Felder's wife Nanni, and to his enduring belief in the possibility of a better world.
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