A Life Less Ordinary: A Memoir

Authors: Halder, Baby
Publisher: HarperCollins e-books
BISAC/Subject: BIO026000
ISBN: 9780061871245, Related ISBNs: 0061871249, 9780061373985, 9780061871245
Classification: Non-Fiction
Number of pages: 192,
Audience: General/trade

When she was very young, Baby Halder was abandoned by her mother and left with a cruel, abusive father. She was married off at twelve to a man twice her age who beat her. At fourteen, she was a mother herself. Her early life was marked by overwhelming challenges and heartbreak until, exhausted and desperate, she fled with her three children to Delhi, to work as a maid in some of the city's wealthiest homes. Expected to serve her employers' every demand, she faced a staggering workload that often left her no time to care for her own children. But she never complained, for such is the lot of the poor in modern-day India.

Written without a trace of self-pity, A Life Less Ordinary is a shocking look deep inside a world of poverty and subjugation that few outsiders know about—and an inspiring true story of one remarkable woman's strength, courage, and determination to soar above her circumstances.

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