A Memoir Of Jane Austen

Authors: Austen-Leigh, James Edward
Publisher: HarperTorch
BISAC/Subject: BIO007000
ISBN: 9781443418614, Related ISBNs: 1443418617, 9781443418614
Classification: Non-Fiction
Number of pages: 356,
Audience: General/trade

A Memoir of Jane Austen is the Austen family’s memoir of the beloved 19th century English novelist. Written and compiled by Austen’s nephew, James Edward Austen-Leigh, A Memoir of Jane Austen reveals the author as her family knew her, while at the same time protecting the author’s privacy in keeping with the Victorian conventions of the time. A Memoir of Jane Austen did, however, reveal for the first time Austen’s authorship of such classic stories as Pride and Prejudice, Emma, and Sense and Sensibility, and generated interest in these and her other novels among the general public.

A Memoir of Jane Austen was the first published biography about the author and remained the primary biographical work about her for half a century.

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