A Million Miles from Boston

Authors: Day, Karen
Publisher: Random House Children's Books
BISAC/Subject: JUV039000, JUV039060, JUV014000
ISBN: 9780375896903, Related ISBNs: 0375859748, 0375896902, 0385738994, 038590763X, 9780375859748
Classification: Fiction
Number of pages: 224,
Audience: Children/juvenile
Synopsis: School's out! That means Lucy is off to her favorite place: Pierson Point, Maine, where she spends summers with her family. And as she tries to forget her worries about starting middle school and about Dad's new girlfriend, Lucy can't get there soon enough. Pierson Point is where she feels most like herself, and where memories of her mother, who died when Lucy was six, are strong and sacred.
But this summer, nothing is the same. Ian, a boy from home in Boston, comes to Pierson Point with his family. Ian is loud, popular, and mean. He and Lucy can't stand each other. To top it off, Dad wants his girlfriend to become a bigger part of Lucy's life.
Karen Day's engaging novel shows that people aren't always what they seem, and that friendship can be found in the most unusual places.
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