A Pace of Grace

Authors: Popov, Linda Kavelin
Publisher: Penguin Publishing Group
BISAC/Subject: SEL016000, SEL024000, SEL032000
ISBN: 9781440650000, Related ISBNs: 0452285437, 1440650004, 9780452285439, 9781440650000
Classification: Non-Fiction
Number of pages: 352,
Audience: General/trade
Synopsis: In today’s anxiety-ridden, stress-infused world, even a moment of quiet reflection has become a time- consuming luxury most of us just can’t afford.  How did we reach this point? How did we lose our direction and sense of control? And, most important, how can we reclaim our lives? 

Linda Kavelin Popov asked herself these same questions, after the pressures of her own workaholic lifestyle nearly destroyed her.  Now, as cofounder of the International Virtues Project she helps others achieve a pace of grace—a pace for our lives that can balance and sustain us physically and spiritually.  

Through a four-part program that teaches you how to purify your life, pace yourself, practice the presence, and plan a sustainable life, A Pace of Grace offers simple ways to rediscover the essential elements of a life well lived.  Complete with Linda’s ten rules for health, this comprehensive guide is the first step in recapturing the joy and vibrancy inherent in each of us.

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