A Search in Secret Egypt

Authors: Brunton, Paul
Publisher: North Atlantic Books
BISAC/Subject: BIO023000, HIS002030, OCC031000
ISBN: 9781583949825, Related ISBNs: 158394981X, 1583949828, 9781583949818, 9781583949825
Classification: Non-Fiction
Number of pages: 380,
Audience: General/trade
Synopsis: In this book, philosopher Paul Brunton (1898-1981) encounters the mysteries and magic of Egypt in the 1930s, including an eerie yet illuminating night spent alone inside the Great Pyramid. Alongside his explorations of ancient Egypt's monuments and gods, Brunton encounters a variety of occultists, fakirs, and dervishes, and even manages to become initiated into the deadly art of snake charming. His frank interviews with Muslim leaders remain relevant today, and his description of the Hajj reflects the beauty and inspiring faith of Mohammad's true followers. Brunton's journey to discover the furthest reaches of what the mind and body are capable of--and to distinguish various forms of yoga and magic from true spirituality--lead him to the myth of Osiris and to the mystery that is the Sphinx itself. In the end, Brunton turns his attention to his own spiritual path, connecting all of his experiences into a single discovery: that we are more than the body and that the freedom of our spirit can be experienced here and now. This new edition has been updated to incorporate Brunton's final revisions and includes an introduction by the Paul Brunton Philosophic Foundation. 

"Paul Brunton was a great original and got to a place of personal evolution that illumines the pathways of a future humanity." --Jean Houston, author of A Passion for the Possible and A Mythic Life

"Any serious man or woman in search of spiritual ideas will find a surprising challenge and an authentic source of inspiration and intellectual nourishment in the writings of Paul Brunton."--Jacob Needleman, author of What is God?

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