A Spiritual Formation Workbook - Revised Edition: Small Group Resources for Nurturing Christian Growth

Authors: Smith, James Bryan & Foster, Richard J.
Publisher: HarperOne
BISAC/Subject: REL012120, REL062000, REL000000, REL006700
ISBN: 9780062029331, Related ISBNs: 0062029339, 9780062029331, 9780062516268
Classification: Non-Fiction
Number of pages: 112,
Audience: General/trade

This beginning workbook for Spiritual Formation Groups features guidelines for starting a group, study plans for the first nine sessions, and a questionnaire that helps map the way ahead. Based upon six major dimensions of the spiritual life found in the life of Christ and Christian tradition: The Contemplative Tradition - The Holiness Tradition - The Charismatic Tradition - The Social Justice Tradition - The Evangelical Tradition - and The Incarnational Tradition, this workbook program provides all the necessary ingredients to start and maintain a Spiritual Formation Group.

Successfully used by thousands of Spiritual Formation Group participants, A Spiritual Formation Workbook has been completely revised to correlate with Richard J. Foster's Streams of Living Water. Its new and updated exercises and teachings offer fresh perspectives on Christian faith and practice.

Christian in perspective and ecumenical in breadth, RENOVARÉ (from the Latin, meaning "to renew") is an effort committed to the renewal of the Church. Founded by bestselling writer Richard J. Foster, RENOVARÉ provides individual churches with a balanced, practical, effective small-group strategy for spiritual growth.

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