A Tendering in the Storm

Authors: Kirkpatrick, Jane
Publisher: The Crown Publishing Group
BISAC/Subject: FIC014000, FIC041000, FIC042030
ISBN: 9780307550460, Related ISBNs: 030755046X, 1578567351, 9780307550460, 9781578567355
Classification: Fiction
Number of pages: 400,
Audience: General/trade
Synopsis: A Story of Tender Truths About a Woman’s Desperate Efforts
to Shelter Her Family

Determined to raise her children on her own terms, Emma suddenly finds herself alone and pregnant with her third child, struggling to keep her family secure in the remote coastal forest of the Washington Territory. With loss and disappointment as her fuel, she kindles a fire that soon threatens to consume her, making a series of poor choices that take her into dangerous relationships.

As clouds of despair close in, she must decide whether to continue in her own waning strength or to humble herself and accept help from the very people she once so eagerly left behind.

Based on a True Story
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