A Whistling Woman

Authors: Byatt, A. S.
Publisher: Knopf Doubleday Publishing Group
BISAC/Subject: FIC014000, FIC019000
ISBN: 9780307424570, Related ISBNs: 0099443392, 030742457X, 0375415343, 0679776907, 0701173807
Classification: Fiction
Number of pages: 448,
Audience: General/trade
Synopsis: A Whistling Woman portrays the antic, thrilling, and dangerous period of the late ‘60s as seen through the eyes of a woman whose life is forever changed by her times.

Frederica Potter, a smart, spirited 33-year-old single mother, lucks into a job hosting a groundbreaking television talk show based in London. Meanwhile, in her native Yorkshire where her lover is involved in academic research, the university is planning a prestigious conference on body and mind, and a group of students and agitators is establishing an “anti-university.” And nearby a therapeutic community is beginning to take the shape of a religious cult under the influence of its charismatic religious leader.

A Whistling Woman is a brilliant and thought-provoking meditation on psychology, science, religion, ethics, and radicalism, and their effects on ordinary lives.
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