A Woman's Eye: Stories

Authors: Paretsky, Sara
Publisher: Random House Publishing Group
BISAC/Subject: FIC022040, FIC022050, FIC022090
ISBN: 9780307425652, Related ISBNs: 0307425657, 038530000X, 0440213355, 051711187X, 9780307425652
Classification: Non-Fiction
Number of pages: 464,
Audience: General/trade
Synopsis: Crime is common ground for the twenty-one women writers in this extraordinary collection of contemporary mystery fiction.

The voices here include  professional crime solvers who take you from the mean  streets of V.I. Warshawski's  Chicago in a case of music and murder... to the  California freeway where Kinsey Millhone's beloved VW  skids into a shooting... to the gang-held turf of  Sharon says mum's the word. And then there are  mothers, grandmothers, battered wives, and social  workers -- ordinary women in extraordinary situations  whose voices reveal contemporary life as seen  through a woman's eye. From the opening tale of a girl  down-and-out in London and what she steals from a  corpse... to the final story of a summer vacation  in the Berkshires, complete with romance and  sudden death... this unique collection brings us great  mystery writing that engages both our intellects  and our hearts.
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