A World Waiting to Be Born: Civility Rediscovered

Authors: Peck, M. Scott
Publisher: Random House Publishing Group
BISAC/Subject: SEL016000, SEL031000, PSY010000
ISBN: 9780307425829, Related ISBNs: 0307425827, 055309307X, 055337317X, 0553471406, 9780307425829
Classification: Non-Fiction
Number of pages: 384,
Audience: General/trade
Synopsis: Just as The Road Less Traveled  provided hope and guidance for individuals seeking  growth, this major new work by M. Scott Peck,  M.D., offers a needed prescription for our deeply  ailing society. Our illness is  Incivility--morally destructive patterns of  self-absorption, callousness, manipulativeness, and  materialism so ingrained in our routine behavior that we  do not even recognize them. There is a deepening  awareness that something is seriously wrong with  our personal and organizational lives. Using  examples from his own life, case histories, and  dramatic scenarios of businesses that made a conscious  decision to bring civility to their organizations ,  Dr. Peck demonstrates how change can be effected  and how we and our organizations can be restored to  health. This wise, practical, and radical book is  a blueprint for achieving personal and societal  well-being.
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