A World Within: A Remarkable Story of Coping with a Parent's Dementia

Authors: Chaudhry, Minaksh
Publisher: Hay House
BISAC/Subject: BIO026000
ISBN: 9789384544119, Related ISBNs: 9384544116, 9789384544119
Classification: Non-Fiction
Number of pages: 244,
Audience: General/trade
Synopsis: This story is an unfinished one. The story of a man dying in slow motion . . .He clings to flashes of memory and grapples with his ‘reality’. As he chases the mirage of his memory, his world disappears fragment by fragment. It is not just his being, his self that disintegrates every moment; it is the universe as he knew it that fades into oblivion. This is a tale of a man building bridges to nowhere. Everything around you changes when you take care of a parent with dementia. This person who had been bedrock of your strength, to whom you looked up to and who was always there for you is now nothing close to his former self. His enquiring glances, puzzlement, doubts and demand for answers signal a total shift in relationship. The despair also reveals the person you are – temperamental and escapist. But this journey has life lessons too: When drama of life ends, you will have nothing; today is all you have, so enjoy life. With tears there is laughter and amidst confusion there is clarity that life goes on and we must flow with it. Here is A World Within . . .
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