Abolition Geography: Essays Towards Liberation

Authors: Gilmore, Ruth Wilson
Publisher: Verso Books
BISAC/Subject: SOC031000, POL010000, SOC015000
ISBN: 9781839761737, Related ISBNs: 1839761709, 1839761733, 9781839761706, 9781839761737
Classification: Non-Fiction
Number of pages: 480,
Audience: General/trade
Synopsis: The first collection of writings from one of the foremost contemporary critical thinkers on racism, geography and incarceration

Abolition Geography brings together Gilmore's essays, articles and interviews from over the past two decades. One of the foremost contemporary theorists and activists in movements for prison abolition and social justice, Gilmore's essays comprise searing analyses of the origins of mass incarceration and racial violence.

This collection reveals her to be a major theorist of the state, which she shows has today morphed into an 'anti-state state' organising the abandonment of racialised and exploited populations. Countering these new formations of power, Gilmore presents us with a powerful model for the radical articulation of scholarship and activism, and a novel way of asking ourselves the question: 'What is to be done?' Edited and introduced by Brenna Bhandar and Alberto Toscano.
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