About Time

Authors: Sparaco, Simona
Publisher: Steerforth Press
BISAC/Subject: FIC019000, FIC025000, FIC009010
ISBN: 9781908968241, Related ISBNs: 1906548900, 1908968249, 9781906548902, 9781908968241
Classification: Non-Fiction
Number of pages: 192,
Audience: General/trade
Synopsis: Svevo Romano is a womanising banker, living the life of excess in Rome. He may be handsome, rich and successful, but he is also a ruthless businessman, workaholic and playboy. At the back of his mind he has a nagging feeling that this is not the right life; a feeling he tries to ignore.
But one day, everything changes: time suddenly speeds up—but only for him. Svevo finds himself in a race against life itself, trying desperately to keep up with his colleagues and friends, to hold on to all the things he once thought important. His life becomes a mad whirl; but just as everything threatens to spiral out of control, life acquires a meaning that reaches beyond time and space.
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