Abraham Lincoln: Lessons in Spiritual Leadership

Authors: Trueblood, Elton
Publisher: HarperOne
BISAC/Subject: BIO011000, BUS071000, REL071000
ISBN: 9780062264329, Related ISBNs: 006226432X, 9780062262844, 9780062264329
Classification: Non-Fiction
Number of pages: 192,
Audience: General/trade

Many writers have explored Lincoln's leadership; others have debated Lincoln's ambiguous religious identity. But in this classic work, Christian philosopher and statesman Elton Trueblood reveals how Lincoln's leadership skills flowed directly from his religious convictions—which explains how the president was able to combine what few leaders can hold together: moral resoluteness with a shrewd ability to compromise; confidence in his cause while refusing to succumb to the traps of self-righteousness or triumphalism; and a commitment to victory while never losing sight of his responsibility for—or the humanity of—his enemy. These rich meditations offer deep wisdom and insight on one of the most effective leaders of all time.

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