Abridged Classics: Brief Summaries of Books You Were Supposed to Read but Probably Didn't

Authors: Atkinson, John
Publisher: Harper Design
BISAC/Subject: HUM018000, HUM001000
ISBN: 9780062747860, Related ISBNs: 006274786X, 9780062747853, 9780062747860
Classification: Fiction
Number of pages: 160,
Audience: General/trade

A collection of irreverent summations of more than 100 well-known works of literature, from Anna Karenina to Wuthering Heights, cleverly described in the fewest words possible and accompanied with funny color illustrations.

Abridged Classics: Brief Summaries of Books You Were Supposed to Read but Probably Didn’t is packed with dozens of humorous super-condensed summations of some of the most famous works of literature from many of the world’s most revered authors, including William Shakespeare, Charles Dickens, Emily Brontë, Leo Tolstoy, Jane Austen, Mark Twain, J.R.R. Tolkien, Margaret Atwood, James Joyce, Plato, Ernest Hemingway, Dan Brown, Ayn Rand, and Herman Melville.

From "Old ladies convince a guy to ruin Scotland" (Macbeth) to "Everyone is sad. It snows." (War and Peace), these clever, humorous synopses are sure to make book lovers smile.

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