Absolute Solitude: Selected Poems

Authors: Loynaz, Dulce Maria
Publisher: Steerforth Press
BISAC/Subject: POE024000, POE012000, LIT014000
ISBN: 9780914671237, Related ISBNs: 0914671227, 0914671235, 9780914671220, 9780914671237
Classification: Non-Fiction
Number of pages: 240,
Audience: General/trade
Synopsis: In the first comprehensive selection and translation of Dulce María Loynaz's poetry, James O'Connor invites us to hear the haunting voice of Cuba's celebrated poet, whom the Nobel Laureate Juan Ramón Jiménez terms in his Foreword, "archaic and new...tender, weightless, rich in abandon." Widely published in Spain during the 1950s, Loynaz's poetry was almost forgotten in Cuba after the Revolution. International recognition came to her late: at the age of ninety she was living in seclusion in Havana when the Royal Spanish Academy awarded her the 1992 Cervantes Prize, the highest literary accolade in the Spanish language. The first English publication of her work, Absolute Solitude contains a selection of poems from each of Loynaz's books, including the acclaimed prose poems from Poems with No Names, a selection of posthumously published work.
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