Abstract Art Painting: Expressions in Mixed Media

Authors: Stewart, Debora
Publisher: Penguin Publishing Group
BISAC/Subject: ART017000, ART027000, ART021000
ISBN: 9781440335884, Related ISBNs: 1440335842, 1440335885, 9781440335846, 9781440335884
Classification: Non-Fiction
Number of pages: 128,
Audience: General/trade
Synopsis: Would you love to take your art in a new direction?

In Abstract Art Painting, you will enter a realm of tactile, intuitive excitement, combining pastel and acrylic to achieve results as unique as you are. You'll learn how to explore the use of color theory in abstraction and to use underpainting to bring structure and depth to your art. In addition you'll begin to understand how to work in a series and how this can help you develop your own personal style.

A sampling of what you'll add to your creative toolbox:

   • Pastel and acrylic techniques to use to complete your own paintings
   • The benefits of expressing your ideas abstractly
   • How to loosen up by using your nondominant hand and drawing to music
   • Ways to express emotions through mark-making
   • Using color and symbolism for expression
   • Working with photos for inspiration
   • Tips for using color studies
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