Acceptable Loss: An Infantry Soldier's Perspective

Authors: Jorgenson, Kregg P.
Publisher: Random House Publishing Group
BISAC/Subject: BIO008000, HIS037070, HIS027070
ISBN: 9780307432582, Related ISBNs: 0307432580, 0804107920, 9780307432582, 9780804107921
Classification: Non-Fiction
Number of pages: 256,
Audience: General/trade
Synopsis: In just ten months in Vietnam, he was overrun, shot up, but not underworked—he survived fifty-four missions as point man. He has one hell of a story to tell.

You didn't get into the Rangers without volunteering, and you didn't stay on point unless you liked it. But after watching most of his buddies die in a firefight when his LRRP team was overrun by the NVA, Kregg Jorgenson volunteered to serve on a Blue Team in the Air Cavalry, racing to the aid of soldiers who faced the same dangers he had barely survived.

Whether enduring NVA sapper attacks, surviving “friendly” fire, or landing in hot LZs, Jorgenson discovered that in Vietnam you never knew whether you were paranoid or just painfully aware of the possibilities.
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