Anthony Powell: Dancing to the Music of Time

Authors: Spurling, Hilary
Publisher: Knopf Doubleday Publishing Group
BISAC/Subject: BIO007000, LIT004120, HIS015070
ISBN: 9780525521358, Related ISBNs: 0141030798, 0525521348, 0525521356, 0525642986, 0525642994
Classification: Non-Fiction
Number of pages: 480,
Audience: General/trade
Synopsis: The author of the award-winning Matisse: A Life gives us the definitive biography of writer Anthony Powell--and takes us deep into the heart of twentieth-century London's literary life.

Insightful, lively, and enthralling, this biography is as much a brilliant tapestry of a seminal era in London’s literary life as it is a revelation of an iconic literary figure. Best known for his twelve-volume comic masterpiece, A Dance to the Music of Time, the prolific writer and critic Anthony Powell (1905–2000) kept company between the two world wars with rowdy, hard-up writers and painters—and painters’ models—in the London where Augustus John and Wyndham Lewis loomed large. He counted Evelyn Waugh and Henry Green among his lifelong friends, and his circle included the Sitwells, Graham Greene, George Orwell, Philip Larkin, and Kingsley Amis. Drawing on letters, diaries, and interviews, Hilary Spurling—herself a longtime friend of Powell’s as well as an award-winning biographer—has produced a fresh and powerful portrait of the man and his times.
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