Bad: A Novel

Authors: Esposito, Chloé
Publisher: Penguin Publishing Group
BISAC/Subject: FIC044000, FIC016000, FIC031000
ISBN: 9781101986042, Related ISBNs: 1101986026, 1101986042, 1524778028, 1524778036, 9781101986028
Classification: Fiction
Number of pages: 384,
Audience: General/trade
Synopsis: "Alvina is a character that readers won't soon forget--funny, fierce, and fabulous."--Booklist (starred review)

Stealing her sister's life was only the beginning.

Alvie Knightly flees Sicily for a suite at the Ritz after her not-so-playful sibling rivalry ends in murder.

Beautiful, spoiled Beth may be out of the way, but Alvie's discovering what happens when you steal your twin's identity. Especially now Beth's body has been found. The police aren't the only ones Alvie has to worry about. Her hot new boyfriend has vanished, along with every penny of their stolen riches.

But Alvie has never shied away from a challenge. She pursues the traitor to Rome in a life-or-death game of cat and mouse. Hell hath no fury like a woman scorned - but can Alvie get revenge before her own crimes catch up with her?
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