Ballpark Mysteries #10: The Rookie Blue Jay

Authors: Kelly, David A.
Publisher: Random House Children's Books
BISAC/Subject: JUV028000, JUV013000, JUV032010
ISBN: 9780385378772, Related ISBNs: 0385378750, 0385378769, 0385378777, 0553552546, 9780385378758
Classification: Non-Fiction
Number of pages: 112,
Audience: Children/juvenile
Synopsis: Batter up! Ballpark Mysteries combine baseball action with exciting whodunits for early chapter book readers!
Mike and Kate can’t wait to watch their rookie hero Dusty Martin in action. But something is throwing the Blue Jays’ star off his game. Then, when no one else is looking, Mike sees mysterious ghost lights flying across the field. Is the ballpark haunted? And could Dusty have seen the lights, too?
Ballpark Mysteries are the all-star matchup of fun sleuthing and baseball action, perfect for readers of Ron Roy’s A to Z Mysteries and Matt Christopher’s sports books, and younger siblings of Mike Lupica fans. Each Ballpark Mystery also features “Dugout Notes,” with more amazing baseball facts.
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