Ballpark Mysteries Super Special #4: The World Series Kids

Authors: Kelly, David A.
Publisher: Random House Children's Books
BISAC/Subject: JUV028000, JUV045000, JUV032010
ISBN: 9780525578970, Related ISBNs: 0525578951, 052557896X, 0525578978, 0593552121, 059355213X
Classification: Non-Fiction
Number of pages: 128,
Audience: Children/juvenile
Synopsis: Batter up! Get ready to watch the kids' baseball team from Cooperstown compete in this Super Special edition of the Ballpark Mysteries--fun, accessible early chapter books that cross baseball action with puzzling whodunits!

Catch a baseball mystery with the World Series Kids!

The kids of Cooperstown made it to the World Series! Technically, Mike and Kate are just there to support their friend Colin and his teammates as they play for the championship. But the competition gets tricky when someone starts trying to sabotage Cooperstown's team--they punch holes in the tires of their bus, and the team's equipment goes missing! Can Mike and Kate find the trickster before it's too late? Or will these shenanigans cost Cooperstown the series?

A longer story, plus bonus back matter with amazing baseball facts, make The World Series Kids a truly Super Special addition to the Ballpark Mysteries.
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