Beka Cooper: The Hunt Records: Terrier; Bloodhound; Mastiff

Authors: Pierce, Tamora
Publisher: Random House Children's Books
BISAC/Subject: YAF001000, YAF019000, YAF022000
ISBN: 9780449813171, Related ISBNs: 0449813177, 9780449813171
Classification: Non-Fiction
Number of pages: 1728,
Audience: Young adult
Synopsis: Beka Cooper's journals describe her training, promotion, and success as a policewoman (dog) in Tortall. From the back alleys of Corus, to the sewers of Port Caynn, to the backwoods of the north country, Beka will not let her quarry escape.

Tamora Pierce's first tales told in first person give marvelous insight into the complex and wonderful character of Beka, whose strength, loyalty, and goodness are an inspiration to all those around her . . . except perhaps the criminals.
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