Big Sid's Vincati: The Story of a Father, a Son, and the Motorcycle of a Lifetime

Authors: Biberman, Matthew
Publisher: Penguin Publishing Group
BISAC/Subject: BIO026000, TRA003030, TRA001030
ISBN: 9781101029268, Related ISBNs: 0452296153, 1101029269, 1594630534, 9780452296152, 9781101029268
Classification: Non-Fiction
Number of pages: 288,
Audience: General/trade
Synopsis: Read Matthew Biberman's posts on the Penguin Blog.

"If you believe it is possible to fall in love with a motorcycle, you will love this book." -Jay Leno

When Big Sid had a heart attack and gave up the will to live, his son Matthew Biberman panicked. Impulsively, Matthew promised his father that they would build a Vincati together. This fusion of two legendary motorcycles, the Vincent Black Shadow and the Ducati GT, a Vincati was considered near-impossible to build.

But if anyone could do it, Matthew knew his father could. Big Sid was the mechanic to see about repairing Vincents for nearly sixty years. But now, Sid was old, busted up and broke. Matthew, despite sharing his dad's passion, had become a Shakespearean scholar. The two men hadn't spoken in years-but called a truce to attempt a shared dream.

Zen and the Art of Motorcycle Maintenance meets Shop Class as Soulcraft, in this heartfelt memoir that shows how two very different men built a legendary motorcycle, and along the way, discovered what it means to be father and son.
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