Black Beauty Graphic Novel

Authors: Sewell, Anna
Genres: Classics, Action and Adventure, Graphic Novels
Topics: Community, Animals, Friendship, Made into Movies
Lexile: 610,
Publisher: Saddleback Educational Publishing
ISBN: 9781602911420,
Classification: Fiction
Number of pages: 65,
Synopsis: These literary masterpieces are made easy and interesting. This series features classic tales retold with color illustrations to introduce literature to struggling readers. Each 64-page eBook retains key phrases and quotations from the original classics. The author tells this unforgettable story, which takes place in nineteenth-century England, through the eyes of Black Beauty. The reader will feel the love & cruelty that this great stallion experiences. Beginning with Black Beauty's wonderful life with his master, Squire Gordon, and the kindness of Jerry Barker to the terrible times as a "cab" horse having to tolerate the torture of the "proper" English bearing reins, Black Beauty's story speaks for all animals that can't speak for themselves.
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