By the Block: 18 Surprisingly Simple Quilts

Authors: Rogers, Siobhan
Publisher: Penguin Publishing Group
BISAC/Subject: CRA035000, CRA031000, CRA026000
ISBN: 9781620336786, Related ISBNs: 1620336766, 1620336782, 9781620336762, 9781620336786
Classification: Non-Fiction
Number of pages: 136,
Audience: General/trade
Synopsis: Simple, sophisticated quilts sewn "by the block."

Today's quilters have many demands on their time but still want to create beautiful quilts. By the Block shows the time-poor quilter how to make sophisticated, complex-looking quilts that are based on easy-to-assemble quilt blocks. The 18 quilts in the book feature modern fabric choices and clever design, but all use standard quilting techniques that are in virtually every quilter's skill set.

Author Siobhan Rogers has designed quilts ranging from crib- to king-size for beds as well as several large projects suitable for hanging. Four of the quilts have colorway variations that show the versatility of the basic design. The book is organized according to technique such as log cabins, half-square triangles, or curved piecing, but each project offers a new twist on the traditional methods of piecing and constructing quilts. Some of the quilt blocks are oversized, which help the quilter work efficiently, and the author offers additional timesaving tips.
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