Chicas y chicos malos de alta mar

Authors: Herweck Rice, Dona
Genres: History, Action and Adventure, Spanish
Topics: Early Exploration, World History
Lexile: 860,
Publisher: Teacher Created Materials
ISBN: 9781433387210,
Classification: Non-Fiction
Number of pages: 36,
Synopsis: Elementary readers learn about famous pirates and pirate history in this interesting and informative nonfiction reader that has been translated into Spanish. Through colorful images, fascinating facts, informational text, and compelling stories, children will learn about famous pirates such as Captain Kidd, Blackbeard, Anne Bonny, Black Bart, Edward Low, Lady Mary Killigrew, and Mrs. Cheng.
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LightSail Education is a comprehensive Lexile and standards-aligned, literacy platform and digital e-book library. Including multimodal learning functionality and featuring books from leading publishers, LightSail holistically assesses and nurtures each student on their reading and writing-to-learn journey, throughout elementary, middle, and high school.

*LightSail offers a 2,000 or a 6,000 title bundle with its student subscriptions. Other titles are available for individual purchase.