Dark Goddess

Authors: Axler, James
Publisher: Worldwide Library
BISAC/Subject: FIC002000
ISBN: 9781426808678, Related ISBNs: 0373638566, 1426808674, 9780373638567, 9781426808678
Classification: Fiction
Number of pages: 352,
Audience: General/trade
Synopsis: doom vector

Humanity's past lies buried beneath the ruins of near annihilation, concealed by a secret entity and its ancient blueprint to enslave mankind. But at the dawn of a far more treacherous new battle for domination, the war between humanity and its alien puppeteers is forged by a group of determined rebels whose forbidden knowledge of their inhuman enemy only begins to prepare them for what lies ahead….

grim footfall

In her chrysalis state, Baroness Beausoleil was a betrayer, a murderer, an arch foe of mankind. Now, her metamorphosis into Overlord Lilitu poses a far greater menace. But she needs human help in a plot to overthrow her brethren and seize control of the last remaining Anunnaki stronghold on Earth. Buried deep in the sands of the Sinai, a secret port can unleash the dangerous mysteries of an alien race—unless the Cerberus rebels can outwit a she-god with an army at her disposal…and the cunning and cruelty to wrest Earth for herself.

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