Hans and Sophie Scholl

Authors: Lara Sahgal
Topics: World War II, World History, Holocaust
Lexile: 1070,
Publisher: Rosen Young Adult
BISAC/Subject: JNF007020, JNF025090
ISBN: 9781499462456,
Classification: Non-Fiction
Number of pages: 112,
Synopsis: At great personal risk, siblings Hans and Sophie Scholl, along with a group of young, like-minded idealists, formed the White Rose resistance to circulate anti-Nazi leaflets during World War II. This compelling primary-source account chronicles the history and legacy of these courageous activists who stood up for their beliefs—and ultimately became martyrs to their cause—at a time when few dared to openly condemn Nazi atrocities. A timeline provides historical context, and leaflet excerpts are interspersed throughout the text, reminding us that even in the most seemingly hopeless of times, young people can make a difference.
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