Hollow Land: Israel's Architecture of Occupation

Authors: Weizman, Eyal
Publisher: Verso Books
BISAC/Subject: HIS019000, POL002000, ARC010000
ISBN: 9781844679157, Related ISBNs: 1786634481, 1844671259, 1844678687, 1844679152, 9781786634481
Classification: Non-Fiction
Number of pages: 352,
Audience: General/trade
Synopsis: Acclaimed exploration of the political space created by Israel’s colonial occupation

This new edition of the classic work on the politics of architecture—and the architecture of politics—appears on the fiftieth anniversary of the Six-Day War, which expanded Israel’s domination over Palestinian lands.

From the tunnels of Gaza to the militarized airspace of the Occupied Territories, Eyal Weizman unravels Israel’s mechanisms of control and its transformation of Palestinian homes into a war zone under constant surveillance. This is essential reading for those seeking to understand how architecture and infrastructure are used as lethal weapons in the formation of Israel.

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