My Marriage

Authors: Wassermann, Jakob
Publisher: New York Review Books
BISAC/Subject: FIC045000, FIC019000, FIC025000
ISBN: 9781590179239, Related ISBNs: 1590179226, 1590179234, 9781590179222, 9781590179239
Classification: Fiction
Number of pages: 288,
Audience: General/trade
Synopsis: Alexander Herzog, a young writer, goes to Vienna to escape his debts and a failed love affair. There he is pursued by book-loving Ganna: giddy, girlish, clumsy, eccentric, and wild. Dazzled and unnerved by her devotion to him, and attracted to the large dowry offered by her wealthy father, he thinks he can mold Ganna into what he wants. But no one can control her troubling passions. As their marriage starts to self-destruct, Herzog will discover that he can never escape her.

Posthumously published in 1934 and based on Wassermann's own ruinous marriage, My Marriage is a tragic masterpiece that unfolds in shocking detail. This story of rare intensity and drama is now brought to English readers in a powerful translation by Michael Hofmann.
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