Paint a Double Rainbow: 40 Mindfulness Activities for Kids and Their Grown-Ups to Feel Calm, Focused, and Happy

Authors: Arnold, Sally
Publisher: Zeitgeist
BISAC/Subject: HEA046000, PSY022000, JNF024130
ISBN: 9780593196694, Related ISBNs: 0593196619, 0593196694, 9780593196618, 9780593196694
Classification: Non-Fiction
Number of pages: 112,
Audience: General/trade
Synopsis: You and Your Child: Be Mindful Together

Mindfulness reduces anxiety and stress, improves focus and concentration, and creates calm--all attributes parents want for their kids. But what happens if you don't know how to practice mindfulness yourself? How do you teach it to your child?

Paint a Double Rainbow provides 40 mindfulness activities for you and your child to do together, so you both reap the benefits as you develop a deeper connection. Whether you're savoring silent sandwiches, sharing moonlight gratitudes, or taking a chalk walk, this charming book helps you develop a mindful toolbox, incorporate mindfulness into your daily lives, and create deep and lasting bonds.

Together, you can have fun exploring...

    A QUICK GUIDE TO MINDFULNESS and its benefits
    40 FUN ACTIVITIES to practice mindfulness
    STRESS- AND ANXIETY BUSTERS through breathing, strengthening your senses, focusing, being kind, imagining, and relaxing

With this playful book, you and your child will discover how mindfulness for kids can transform your lives.
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