Painting Butterflies & Blooms with Sherry C. Nelson

Authors: Nelson, Sherry
Publisher: Penguin Publishing Group
BISAC/Subject: ART050030, ART027000, ART018000
ISBN: 9781440310034, Related ISBNs: 1440310033, 9781440310034
Classification: Non-Fiction
Number of pages: 160,
Audience: General/trade
Synopsis: Paint a World of Beautiful Butterflies

Delicate, majestic and diverse, the butterfly is an eternal source of inspiration and wonder. Now you can learn to capture the radiant beauty and delicate details of the world's most spectacular butterfly species in glowing oil paintings. Renowned artist and teacher Sherry C. Nelson takes you on a global expedition featuring more than 50 captivating butterflies and blooms for you to paint, study and admire–all in an easy-to-use reference-book format.

You can do it! Sherry makes painting butterflies achievable with simple steps, visual examples, and clear instructions. Starting with the basics, you'll learn how to transfer designs, select and mix colors, and create a range of harmonious backgrounds. Next, Sherry guides you from start to finish through 54 step-by-step demonstrations for painting butterflies, moths and flowers of all sizes, shapes and colors.

Each butterfly is painted in a vignette featuring flowers and foliage that are part of its native habitat or food source. Sherry also includes crisp reference photos and traceable line drawings that allow you to paint the demos exactly as they are, or you can incorporate them into your own paintings of the natural world. The creative possibilities are up to you. With this guide, you can capture your most beloved butterflies with skill and satisfaction. No net required!
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