Past Secrets, Present Love

Authors: Richer, Lois
Publisher: Steeple Hill
BISAC/Subject: FIC026000
ISBN: 9781459203679, Related ISBNs: 0373873387, 1459203674, 9780373873388, 9781459203679
Classification: Fiction
Number of pages: 224,
Audience: General/trade
Synopsis: To: Jared
From: Kelly
Re: More shocking news for the Richmond Gazette

As director of the Tiny Blessings adoption agency, I appreciate the unbiased way you've reported all the scandalous information that's come out recently in the Gazette. Now I have another exclusive for you: investigator Ross Van Zandt broke the news to me last night—I am the missing baby, the child taken from her mother at birth. It was quite a shock, but with God's help, I can come to terms with this. I'm hoping Ross will help me uncover my biological father's identity, but he seems hesitant....

Off the record—the handsome P.I. has caught more than my professional interest.
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