Pee Wee Scouts: Pedal Power

Authors: Delton, Judy
Genres: Series, Realistic Fiction
Topics: Friendship
Lexile: 610,
Publisher: Random House Children's Books
BISAC/Subject: JUV001000, JUV039060, JUV019000
ISBN: 9780307800077, Related ISBNs: 0307800075, 0440413362, 9780307800077, 9780440413363
Classification: Fiction
Number of pages: 112,
Audience: Children/juvenile
Synopsis: It's spring, and the Pee Wees are planning an exciting bike hike. But first, they have to learn some important safety rules. Molly enjoys using hand signals and wearing her shiny new helmet. Roger thinks rules are dumb. He likes to do wheelies and ride without holding on to the handlebars. Mrs. Peters warns Roger to stop acting so crazy--he could fall and hurt himself. But Roger never listens. Molly is afraid he'll ruin the whole trip. Will Roger learn his lesson before it's too late?
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