Pele's Fire

Authors: Pendleton, Don
Publisher: Worldwide Library
BISAC/Subject: FIC002000
ISBN: 9781426832888, Related ISBNs: 0373643667, 1426832885, 9780373643660, 9781426832888
Classification: Fiction
Number of pages: 192,
Audience: General/trade
Synopsis: When six U.S. naval officers disappear inexplicably while on leave in Honolulu, Mack Bolan is suspicious. Then an informant emerges from the Hawaiian underground with claims that a nationalist group has escalated its home-rule rhetoric to militant action. He claims Pele's Fire is planning a devastating terrorist attack somewhere on the islands. There aren't any obvious links between the two events, but Bolan spots a potentially deadly chain.

The masterminds of terror are desperate to eradicate any possibility the traitor who has cooled to their cause will keep them from executing their shocking plan. It's up to Bolan to protect the informant and stop the attack—making the Executioner both hunter and prey.

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