Perfect Little Ladies

Authors: Drake, Abby
Publisher: HarperCollins e-books
BISAC/Subject: FIC000000, FIC044000, FIC071000
ISBN: 9780061893384, Related ISBNs: 0061893382, 9780061648366, 9780061893384
Classification: Non-Fiction
Number of pages: 320,
Audience: General/trade

Nobody knows that better than Elinor Young, one of the posh housewives of Westchester County. She's worked hard all her life to get where she is. With her perfect husband, gorgeous grown-up children, and a house with more rooms than she can count, Elinor has it all—including her own personal blackmailer. Somehow, someone has figured out that she hasn't been spending her afternoons in Manhattan with ladies who lunch but with a major married politician, and now she's got to shell out a whole lot of money or the truth about her life will be exposed. If her family learns everything it would be embarrassing—besides she never set out to hurt them—but if the town finds out she's really screwed!

So she gathers her friends around her, spills the beans to them, and decides to do whatever it takes to prevent scandal. But when Elinor and friends set out to track down the extortionist, none of them expected other secrets to be told.

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