Personal Development for Smart People: The Conscious Pursuit of Personal Growth

Authors: Pavlina, Steve
Publisher: Hay House
BISAC/Subject: SEL021000, OCC019000, SEL031000
ISBN: 9781401923587, Related ISBNs: 1401922759, 1401922767, 1401923585, 9781401922757, 9781401922764
Classification: Non-Fiction
Number of pages: 216,
Audience: General/trade
Synopsis: Despite promises of "fast and easy" results from slick marketers, real personal growth is neither fast nor easy. The truth is that hard work, courage, and self-discipline are required to achieve meaningful results—results that are not attained by those who cling to the fantasy of achievement without effort.

Personal Development for Smart People reveals the unvarnished truth about what it takes to consciously grow as a human being. As you read, you’ll learn the seven universal principles behind all successful growth efforts (truth, love, power, oneness, authority, courage, and intelligence); as well as practical, insightful methods for improving your health, relationships, career, finances, and more.

You’ll see how to become the conscious creator of your life instead of feeling hopelessly adrift, enjoy a fulfilling career that honors your unique self-expression, attract empowering relationships with loving, compatible partners, wake up early feeling motivated, energized, and enthusiastic, achieve inspiring goals with disciplined daily habits and much more!

With its refreshingly honest yet highly motivating style, this fascinating book will help you courageously explore, creatively express, and consciously embrace your extraordinary human journey.
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