Phantom Heart

Authors: Creagh, Kelly
Publisher: Penguin Young Readers Group
BISAC/Subject: YAF052050, YAF058120, YAF045000
ISBN: 9780593116074, Related ISBNs: 0593116046, 0593116070, 0593504275, 0593504283, 9780593116043
Classification: Non-Fiction
Number of pages: 528,
Audience: Young adult
Synopsis: A steamy YA romance inspired by Gaston Leroux's classic The Phantom of the Opera

Seventeen-year-old Stephanie Armand doesn't believe in ghosts or spirits. Despite her six-year-old sister insisting a masked figure is hiding in her closet, and the rumors at school, Stephanie isn't convinced her father's latest renovation project--a crumbling Victorian mansion--houses the soul of a monster. So when the very charming (and paranormal-obsessed) Lucas Cheney takes an interest in both Stephanie and her notorious home, Moldavia, the supernatural and romantic activity escalates to an all-time high. But then there's Erik-- the dashing British boy, seemingly from another era, who's taken up residence in Stephanie's nightly dreams. A boy who may have something to do with the man in the mask, and the strange occurrences taking place at Moldavia.
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