Sharpe's Regiment (#8)

Authors: Cornwell, Bernard
Publisher: Penguin Publishing Group
BISAC/Subject: FIC014000, FIC002000, FIC032000
ISBN: 9781101153550, Related ISBNs: 0140092137, 0140243062, 0140294368, 0670811483, 1101153555
Classification: Fiction
Number of pages: 304,
Audience: General/trade
Synopsis: "Apart from the rousing battle scenes, the author is as his best in evoking a long-gone era through clever detail."--The New York Times Book Review

A corrupt political enemy is determined to disband the South Essex Regiment -- and to destroy Major Richard Sharpe.

Sharpe returns to England and discovers an illegal recruiting ring that sells soldiers like cattle to other divisions. The ringleaders know Sharpe is on their trail, and they try to kill him at every turn. But Sharpe is fighting for his command, and as he moves from the dark slums of London to the highest courts of political power, Sharpe will risk charges of treason and death for a final chance at revenge.

"A ripping yarn."--The Washington Post

"Consistently exciting . . . these are wonderful novels."--Stephen King
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