The Best Bad Luck I Ever Had

Authors: Levine, Kristin
Lexile: 680,
Publisher: Penguin Young Readers Group
BISAC/Subject: JUV039120, JUV039060, JUV016150
ISBN: 9781440699405, Related ISBNs: 0142416487, 0307710564, 0307710572, 0307710580, 0307710599
Classification: Fiction
Number of pages: 272,
Audience: Children/juvenile
Synopsis: The last thing Harry ?Dit? Sims expects when Emma Walker comes to town is to become friends. Proper -talking, brainy Emma doesn?t play baseball or fi sh too well, but she sure makes Dit think, especially about the differences between black and white. But soon Dit is thinking about a whole lot more when the town barber, who is black, is put on trial for a terrible crime. Together Dit and Emma come up with a daring plan to save him from the unthinkable.

Set in 1917 and inspired by the author?s true family history, this is the poignant story of a remarkable friendship and the perils of small-town justice

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