The Defiant

Authors: Livingston, Lesley
Publisher: HarperCollins
BISAC/Subject: YAF019000
ISBN: 9781443446334, Related ISBNs: 1443446335, 9781443446310, 9781443446334
Classification: Non-Fiction
Number of pages: 384,
Audience: Children/juvenile

Fallon was warned.

Now she is about to pay the price for winning the love of the Roman people as Caesar’s victorious gladiatrix.

Fallon thought she’d won her freedom, but choosing to stay comes at a cost. She and her warrior sisters are thrust into a vicious conflict with a rival gladiator academy. In the middle of the night, the Ludus Achillea falls under siege and only Fallon and a lucky few are able to flee.

Together, they embark on a mission to take back the home Fallon has fought so hard for, and to free their fellow gladiatrices. But dark conspiracies and vicious power struggles confront Fallon at every turn, threatening not just her honor and her love for Roman soldier Cai, but the very heart of the ancient Roman empire.

On the journey that will define her future, the only people who might possibly help the girl known as Victrix and her sisters are a tribe of long-forgotten mythic Amazon warriors.

The only trouble is, they might just kill her first.

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