The Nation City: Why Mayors Are Now Running the World

Authors: Emanuel, Rahm
Publisher: Knopf Doubleday Publishing Group
BISAC/Subject: POL040000, POL002000, BUS067000
ISBN: 9780525656395, Related ISBNs: 0525566627, 0525656383, 0525656391, 059316993X, 0593169948
Classification: Non-Fiction
Number of pages: 256,
Audience: General/trade
Synopsis: At a time of anxiety about the effectiveness of our national government, Rahm Emanuel provides a clear vision, for both progressives and centrists, of how to get things done in America today--a bracing, optimistic vision of America's future from one of our most experienced and original political minds.

In The Nation City, Rahm Emanuel, former two-term mayor of Chicago and White House Chief of Staff for President Barack Obama, offers a firsthand account of how cities, rather than the federal government, stand at the center of innovation and effective governance. Drawing on his own experiences in Chicago, and on his relationships with other mayors around America, Emanuel provides dozens of examples to show how cities are improving education, infrastructure, job conditions, and environmental policy at a local level.

Emanuel argues that cities are the most ancient political institutions, dating back thousands of years and have reemerged as the nation-states of our time. He makes clear how mayors are accountable to their voters to a greater degree than any other elected officials and illuminates how progressives and centrists alike can best accomplish their goals by focusing their energies on local politics. The Nation City maps out a new, energizing, and hopeful way forward.
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