The Photographer's Black and White Handbook: Making and Processing Stunning Digital Black and White Photos

Authors: Davis, Phyllis & Davis, Harold
Publisher: The Monacelli Press
BISAC/Subject: PHO018000, PHO007000, PHO011000
ISBN: 9781580934794, Related ISBNs: 1580934781, 158093479X, 9781580934787, 9781580934794
Classification: Non-Fiction
Number of pages: 208,
Audience: General/trade
Synopsis: The Photographer’s Black & White Handbook is your complete guide to making and processing stunning black and white photos in the digital era. You’ll find inspiration, ideas, techniques, and tools to use in your black and white photography, along with a soup-to-nuts workflow to take you from black and white pre-visualization through capture and post-production. Along the way you will lean over Harold’s shoulder as he travels to exciting photo destinations and creates stunning black and white imagery, explaining his creative and technical processes as he goes.

This definitive guide includes:
■ How to see in black and white
■ Pre-visualization in digital photography
■ Understanding black and white composition
■ How to create your own black and white workflow
■ Black and white in ACR, Lightroom, and Photoshop
■ Using black and white plug-ins including Nik Silver Efex Pro and Topaz B&W Effects
■ Extending tonal range with multi-RAW processing and monochromatic HDR ■ Post-production techniques for working with dynamic range
■ Creative black and white special effects
■ Find out how to tone, tint, colorize, solarize, and simulate IR
■ Work with LAB to create unique black and white effects ■ Great tools for unleashing your photographic imagination
■ Beautiful photographs by Harold Davis chosen to inspire and guide you
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